Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Perfect Frosting

I love birthdays, it gives me an excuse to spend the afternoon baking my loved ones something special. Since I have a birthday to attend tomorrow, I thought it was the perfect time to try out an icing that I have been dying to make for a while now. I stumbled across the recipe whilst in the wonderful world of food blogs, and with a title like The best frosting i've ever had, I mean you just have to give it a go. At first I thought it was slightly strange, the ingredients are odd and the method, well it is imaginative. Still I figured, there would be no harm done if this icing turned out to be one big disaster, and they always tell you that you learn from your mistakes, so I thought “what the heck!”

Can I just say WOW. This icing is pretty darn good, seriously it is. It starts off as something similar to a roux, was I making lasagne I thought to myself? It is actually quite bizarre, coming from something resembling the glue you would make (and no doubt eat) when you were in the 2nd grade, to being this fluffy, creamy mountain of sweet, sweet frosting.

You have to try it and experience this! However- like all things in life it goes best with something chocolate- so I paired mine with a simple and classic chocolate cake, the 2 together equals an unbeatable combination!!

But I am interested to know, is this a common icing recipe? Maybe I have been living my entire life under a rock? Please do tell if you have tried this and if so, what was your verdict?

  • 1 cup of full cream Milk
  • 5 Tablespoons Flour
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 1 cup Butter (unsalted of course)
  • 1 cup caster sugar 


Bake something with loads of chocolate- a delicious cake or cupcakes will do the trick- let them cool totally.

In a saucepan heat the flour and milk over a medium to low heat stirring constantly so that it does not become lumpy. It will become very very thick, but you do not want it to be a paste.  If it becomes the consistency in the photo below just add a little milk to loosen it up.

Take it off the heat and allow it to cool to room temperature- it has to be totally cool. Now feel free to stir in the vanilla. (don't be frightened at what you see at this point, I promise it gets better!)

Next in a bowl cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.

Now add the milk mixture to the creamed butter and sugar and beat until it looks something similar to thick whipped cream. I whipped it for about 60 seconds- I did not want to whip it so much that things started breaking down.

Now the moment of truth.... grab a teaspoon and have a little taste. Hopefully you will be impressed, and maybe even in love. Who knows?! 

Ice your cake and decorate as you please, the next, and most important step of this entire process is to sit down and enjoy your creation!

Miss SS xxx


  1. Mmmmm, looks great! Might have to try it.

    Does it have a floury taste?

  2. No thankfully it didn't! it was a gamble, but it turned out very well!

  3. Wow, that is an intereting method. I've never seen it before! :o
